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Green tea, or even black tea, is considerably safer during pregnancy than coffee. The main reason for this is that tea is much lower in caffeine than coffee; coffee typically contains contains 2-4 times as much caffeine per cup as green tea. While small amounts of caffeine are perfectly safe during pregnancy, there is some evidence that heavy caffeine use may increase the risk of miscarriage or other problems.

Drinking several cups of green tea a day is perfectly safe, but drinking the same amount of coffee is probably not a good idea. A single cup of coffee though is probably just fine. Don't worry too much! Green tea tends to be milder overall on the body than coffee, not just because of the caffeine, but because coffee can be harsher on your digestive system and is more acidic.

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15y ago

You should have no more than 2 cups a day.

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10y ago

Yes. It is OK to drink coffee during pregnancy. But too much of it is not OK otherwise also.

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13y ago

Of course you can , don't go crazy with it thou

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18y ago

Yes, though you may find you go off it.

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12y ago

Yes it will help the baby be energized

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Yes. Many women do so.

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Q: Is coffee or green tea safer during pregnancy?
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