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Coke is bad because the acid in it dissolves the calcium in your bones making you vulnerable to braking bones. 7up is natural with no fat. So coke is bad but 7 up is good.

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Q: Is coke and 7 up bad for you?
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What is worst for your teeth coke or Diet Coke?

Regular Coke but diet is still bad for your teeth

Can coke denigrate a stake?

A coke would have nothing bad to say about a stake.

Is it bad to drink coke?

Yes. Coke has too much sugar, caffeine, and calories.

What is in coke that makes it bad?

The large amount of caffeine and sugar in coke makes it unhealthy.

Why is it bad to drink coke?

Coke is not good for you because it has too much sugar and high calories.

How many flavors are in coke?

I am not sure but there is cherry coke and diet coke and you can look it up on the coke website.

Is there caffeine in decaf cola?

Yes, although Coca-Cola Zero has no Calories, Sugar, or anything considered "bad" for you it does have some caffeine.

What drink name begins with letter D?

Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi, Diet 7-Up. etc.

What is the pH of coke and how is it found?

In our science lesson sir said coke's pH is a 7

Name something that has bubbles in it?

Boris Beebleford the bubbly can of Coke. soda champaigne soap bubble bath

Is Diet Coke bad to water plants with?
