

Is coke more dense than milk?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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11y ago

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Milk is generally denser than water. Water has a density of 1000 kg·m−3 in liquid (4 °C) state or 917 kg·m−3 in solid state. Milk, on the average, has a density of 1035 kg/m-3. Be aware that different types of milk have different densities.

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Why does regular coke sink?

Regular coke contains sucrose as a sweetener. Sucrose is more dense than water, and so it sinks. Diet coke doesn't sink because it contains aspartame as a sweetener. Aspartame is less dense than water.

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yes, because coca cola is a lot more dense than diet coke because it has so less chemicals than diet coke

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yes, due to presence of fats and calcium milk is more denser.

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Diet coke is less dense than regular coke.

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What is denser coke or water?

Diet Coke has a higher density than regular Coke.

Why is cream more dense than milk?

Milk spoils when bacteria breaks down the lactose sugars, producing lactic acid. In whole milk, the fat content inhibits this process. In skim milk, there is not only less fat to inhibit this process, but there is also a higher lactose content.

Why does the Diet Coke float in water while the Regular coke sinks?

The Diet Coke will float because it is less dense than water and the regular coke will sink because it is more dense than water.In regular coke, more sugar is used as a sweetener also makes it more dense than water and the more dense the substance, it is the more likely to sink.Aspartame and Saccharin are artificial sweeteners found in diet coke. They are at least 200 times sweeter than table sugar. Therefore, a smaller amount of sweetener is used to sweeten the diet coke.Density is the amount of mass in a volume (mass/volume).Any substance that is less dense than water is likely to floatAny substance that is more dense than water is likely to sink.