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No, you can also use Pie chart and Doughnut Chart.

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Q: Is column the only one what charts to compare relative values from different categories to the whole?
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Related questions

When would you use a bar chart?

Bar charts are probably the most frequently used charts and easiest to interpret. They are useful when comparing different categories of information or when ranking different categories of information.

Which type of graph or chart used to compare relative parts of a whole?

Pie or 100% stacked bar charts.

How do circle graphs hep compare different groups of data?

Circle graphs, or pie charts compare the percentage of different things.

Is a bar chart useful?

Yes. For many types of data, using bar charts is very useful. If you want to compare related categories of figures, or maybe total sales for different months or a myriad of other types of things, then a bar chart is very useful. All types of charts have their uses. Bar charts are amongst the most common type of charts you will see.

How many music charts does Billboard have?

The Billboard magazine has 123 ongoing music charts in different categories (Jazz, Rock, R&B, Country, Album, etc.). There are even charts for ringtones.

Is there a website available that will compare water softeners from different manufacturers?

The different water softener manufacturers will often have comparison charts of the different manufacturers and their products. You may also want to consult a consumer's magazine to compare.

Why we use bar chart?

Bar Charts are used to compare things between different groups or tracking the changes according to time.

When are bar charts the most useful?

When the data are classified according to categories.

Kinds of graphs for science?

Some common types of graphs used in science include line graphs to show trends over time, bar graphs to compare different categories, scatter plots to display relationships between variables, and pie charts to represent parts of a whole. Choosing the appropriate graph depends on the data being presented and the message that needs to be conveyed.

What would be the best way to go about comparing wireless routers?

Many online sites have wireless router charts to compare models. One such site is the Best Buy website. They have many different routers and you can compare them with others.

What is the frequency of a circle?

Circle graphs, or pie charts as they are also known, are pictorial representations of the relative frequencies of categorical data. A circle graph that depicts relative frequency displays the percentage of each category on each section of the circle. A pie chart is best to use when you only have a few categories and you want to demonstrate a part-to-whole relationship. Making each slice a different color adds to the visual appeal of this type of graph.

What is the best chart to use for an Excel spreadsheet?

There is no single answer to that. It depends on what you want to do. There are different types of charts because there are different kinds of things that people want to create charts for. Different charts are suited to different situations. For example, a line chart can show how things change over a period of time. An XY or Scatter chart can be used to plot points and draw lines and curves using those points. Pie charts show how much of something a value takes up, by showing it as a slice. There are lots of other charts which also have particular uses. So before choosing a chart, you need to know what you are trying to do and then you can choose the most appropriate one.