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Were you have no hair on your head

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Q: Is commonly known as baldness
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What is the medical term meaning baldness?

alopeciaAlopeciaAlopeciaAlopecia is commonly known as baldness.The scientific or medical term for baldness is alopecia.

What if you are a guy and some of your hair falls out?

It may be a sign of the onset of baldness (known medically as alopecia).

What is the medical term for boldness?

The medical term for baldness is alopecia. Baldness is hair loss or absence of hair, and it can happen anywhere on the body where hair grows. There are many types of baldness, each with a different cause, and it can be localized to the front and top of the head, patchy, or involve the entire head. Male-pattern baldness is the most common form of alopecia, and it affects around 50% of men by the time they reach the age of 50. It is hereditary and thought to be associated with having an excess of a certain hormone, which has an effect on hair follicles.

What do the Irish call the Big Dipper?

In Ireland it would be commonly known as the Plough.In Ireland it would be commonly known as the Plough.In Ireland it would be commonly known as the Plough.In Ireland it would be commonly known as the Plough.In Ireland it would be commonly known as the Plough.In Ireland it would be commonly known as the Plough.In Ireland it would be commonly known as the Plough.In Ireland it would be commonly known as the Plough.In Ireland it would be commonly known as the Plough.In Ireland it would be commonly known as the Plough.In Ireland it would be commonly known as the Plough.

Is talipes commonly known as a bunion?

No, talipes is commonly known as clubfoot.

Where can one find information on female baldness?

One can get information on female baldness by going to an online resource such as WebMD. One can also contact their doctor as many doctors will known about balding patterns in different genders.

What is chloroflourocarbons are commonly known as?

it is commonly known as freon.

Is baldness a sex-limited or a sex linked trait?

men with higher testastorone are more likely to go bald

Is baldness passed from your mother or father?

The gene for baldness is inherited from the mother .

What is the medical root word for baldness?

Alopecia is the medical root word for baldness. Baldness refers to the condition of having no hair on top of the head.

Describes the partial or complete loss of hair most commonly on the scalp?

I am sure that there are many diseases that cause hair loss. I am not a doctor, and if you are experiencing hair loss, you should consult one. With that said, aloplecia is a condition that causes a variety of hair loss. Often, it is in patches, although it can range from minor hair thinning, all the way to complete baldness, and loss of eyebrows, lashes, and body hair as well. The exact cause of this condition is frequently unknown, but stress and/or genetics are commonly thought to contribute.

What was Elizabeth I commonly known as?

Elizabeth I was commonly known as the virgin queen.