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Good. It helps to control population and contribute to 'survival of the fittest,' which ensures the best genes are carried on through generations.

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Q: Is competition good or bad for organisms?
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The importation of organisms is the introduction of foreign organisms into an environment. The importation of organisms can be both good and bad, and be an example of abiotic factors.

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It is bad.

Is competition good?

Competition helps organisms become stronger over time - in nature, only the strongest survive, so the weak and defective organisms never reproduce, thus making the species stronger. In humanity, competition makes people want to do better and helps them work harder for their goals.

Is it bad to have political competition?

it is bad because in this so many dirty tricks are used to win the vote. even the good leaders are never come to this competition.

Is competition a good or bad thing?

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What happens when two organisms attempt to occupy the same niche-?

Massive competition occurs when 2 organisms have the sane niche. The organisms are 2 species.

What is the relationship of competition?

Competition is another relationship that exists between organisms

Does Parasitism both benefit?

No, parasitism is good for one of the organisms and bad for the other. Commensalism is good for one of the organisms and doesn't affect the other. Mutualism benefits both organisms.

What is The struggle between organisms of the same species for limited resources?

We know that organisms that must struggle to survive in a habitat with limited resources will be in competition to do so.

What is good effect of competition?

Good: Harder workers Bad: Stress and self-esteem issues (Stress kills)

What happened when two organisms attempt to occupy the same niche?

COMPETITION competition