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Not really. It's a part of distillation, not a type of distillation.

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Q: Is condensation a type of distillation?
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What is a sentence using the words condensation distillation and evaporation?

During distillation, the condensation soon turned to evaporation.

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Evaporation & Condensation process involve in distillation.

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What process occurs during distillation?

condensation then evaporation

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Is there two changes of state in distillation?

The changes of state that happen during distillation are: Liquid to a gas and gas to a liquid

What is a sentence using the word distillation?

Alcoholic beverages are made stronger through the process of distillation. Distillation is not to be confused with condensation.


The process of evaporation(boiling) and condensation at the same time (simultaneously) to get pure liquid from a solution is known as Distillation.

What phase change used in distillation?

Boiling and condensation.

What are the two changes involed in distillation?

These changes are boiling and condensation.

How is air separated from gas?

These gases are separated by condensation and distillation

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