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Q: Is conflict of interest when working for two companies illegal?
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Is forex and fxcm trading is leagal or illegal in Pakistan?

yes it's illegal if working without licence of DGCX but there are some companies working like this.

Is working with a sibling considered conflict of interest?

It depends on the context. In most cases, no, but there are cases where it could be.

Can related employees work together in the same branch?

It depends on company policy; many companies forbid relatives from working together. Others do not. If you are currently employed, it is important that you disclose this information if a relative is also applying to work at your company. Often relatives are prohibited from working together or using company services if there is a perceived conflict of interest.

Are siding contractor companies run by illegal immigrants driving down the price of labor?

A company can not be owned and run by illegal residents. They could be working for the company and it could effect wages in the industry.

What type of person works for an interest group and meets with congress?

That would be a lobbyist. Most of them have worked for--or are working--for companies that provide products or services for the government.

Why was the marxist theory of class struggle so appealing to the working class?

The Marxist theory of class struggle is appealing to the working class because it sheds light on the exploitative nature of the capitalist mode of production and the historic conflict of the workers interest with that of the bosses interest inherent in the system.Furthermore, Marxist theory advocates working class unity and solidarity in an effort to resolve the worker/boss conflict by means of an international workers social revolution that replaces private property forms with socialized property forms.

What is the conflict between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat?

The conflict between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat is rooted in their differing socioeconomic positions. The bourgeoisie are the capitalist class who own and control the means of production, while the proletariat are the working class who sell their labor for wages. This leads to a conflict of interest as the bourgeoisie aim to maximize profits, often at the expense of the proletariat's well-being and rights.

If two separate mortgage brokers are working with the same bank does this create a conflict of interest for the borrower?

No but if it's the same bank, the rates and closing costs will be the same but the individual broker may cut a fee or two for you..

What would lead to a rise in GDP?

GDP or Gross Domestic Product can increase by more individuals working or working more hours. Another option is to lower interest rates, which allows companies to take advantage of lower financing and increase business activity.

What is the number of illegal working children in India?

The number of illegal children working is too high. It is because of poverty.

Difference between functional and conflict?

Functional perspective focuses on how elements in a society work together to maintain stability and harmony, while conflict perspective examines how power dynamics and inequalities can lead to social conflict and change. Functionalism sees society as a system working towards equilibrium, while conflict theory sees society as inherently unequal and in conflict over resources and power.

How does Conflict theory relate to capitalism?

The conflict theory explains capitalism, and how capitalism will eventually be demolished by the rise of the working class (causing tension/conflict)