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No. Variable names are best kept as short as possible so long as they remain self-explanatory. The name "cost" alone implies an amount of some kind (usually currency but not always).

Also, if a name consists of more than one word, an underscore makes it more readable. E.g., "cost_amount" would be better than "costAmount", but "cost" alone would still be better.

It's also a good idea to put variable names in namespaces unless they are local variables or class members. That way you're less likely to end up with name-clashes in the global namespace.

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A good variable name is one that is clear, related to the data it stores. Also, you should try to avoid confusions with other variables.

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Well, in languages like C or C++, a variable is just a memory cell. The memory cell can contain any, and then I really mean any, value. For instance, if I were to do something like the following:int x;Then I would have no idea what the value of x is, since I did not initialize it. However,int x = 0;initializes the variable to be zero.

Is a global variable a non-local variable?

True, a variable cannot be both global and local. But if a global and a local variable share the same name, the local one will hide the global.

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When you acess a global variable inside main function you must use the same name, because the variable declared as global can be accessed by any function/procedure on the class where it was defined.