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Yes, it stops the flow of germs in the air from your mouth.

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Q: Is covering your cough with your arm effective?
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How do humans contribute to the spread of diseases?

Not washing hands, not covering your sneezes and coughs, always practice the vampire cough. It means if you have to sneeze or cough, do it in you arm!

How do you quiet a cough?

You can quiet a cough by covering your mouth.

How can you prevent the common cough?

swallow hard and hold your breath when you feel a cough coming on - its very effective.

Over the counter cough medicines?

Robitussin is very effective. Menthol cough drops work well too.

Who invented cough medicine?

In the 2nd century, Galen was perhaps the 1st to report an effective cough suppressant. Cough drops were developed from candy.

How do you prevent spreading a cold?

By covering your mouth with with the inside of your arm.

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Why cleaning are so important in our life?

Cleaning plays a vital role in our daily lives. Be it personal hygiene, such as washing our hands before we eat or covering our mouths when we cough, or setting a standard for environmental cleanliness, effective cleaning is our first line of defense against viruses and infectious diseases.

Would you deliver back blow to a casualty that have an effective cough?

No, because he is coughing and would cough what ever is blocking his away out eventually

How far do germs travel when you Cough without covering your mouth?

As long as three elephants end to end!

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What is the most cost effective floor covering?

With so much choose on the current market today, my own personal choice is laminate flooring, however, some may say traditional carpets are the most cost effective floor covering.