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No, "crack" is not an example of onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia refers to words that sound like the noises they describe, such as "buzz" or "hiss." "Crack" is a word that describes a sharp sound, but it does not directly mimic the sound itself.

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Q: Is crack a type of onomatopoeia?
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Is crack an example of onomatopoeia?

Yes, crack is an Onomatopoeia. This is because an Onomatopoeia is when a word sounds like what it represents. In other words, you say it exactly how it is when you hear it.

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An example of an onomatopoeia in "The Ballad of William Sycamore" is the line "Crack, crack, went his gun." The word "crack" imitates the sound of a gunshot, creating a vivid and auditory image for the reader.

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if you said "huff" then i would say that it is an onomatopoeia. and onomatopoeia is simply a word that embodies a sound ex. pop, crack, bam

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no , it is not an onomatopoeia because onomatopoeia is something that imitates sound .. like buz or shhh so a good words for thunder will be crack..brommbrrommm

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Onomatopoeias are words that imitate sounds, such as crack or boom.

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Yes, "Casey at the Bat" features onomatopoeia in the form of sound words like "crack" and "thwack" to evoke the sounds of the baseball game.

Is oh no an onamotapia?

No. Buzz, snap, crack and words that sound like what is happening are examples of onomatopoeia.

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no onomatopoeia is a sound/ action type thing. for example buzz or ring or tintinnabulation is onomatopoeia but OK is a saying.

The word ''ring'' is an example of what type of figure of speech?

The word hiss is an example of onomatopoeia - when a word is formed from the sound of something.

What are words like pop top crack crackle wham squash mash slash called?

They are all an onomatopoeia.