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Q: Is cramping of the uterus at 5 weeks pregnant caused by expanding?
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Related questions

Do pregnant women feel craps in the first trimester?

Some women have cramping throughout the entire first trimester, while other don't. The cramping is usually caused by the uterus stretching and their body getting used to being pregnant.

Is cramping at 17 weeks pregnant normal?

Light cramping is normal, yes. If it is very painful and/or accompanied by bleeding, it is important to go straight to the hospital though. The cramps are caused by the uterus stretching as the baby grows.

Do you have aBdominal pains if your pregnant?

Yes, when I was about 7 to 12 weeks along i had minor cramping that felt like the cramps I got when I was on my period but my doctor said it is usually caused by your uterus stretching.

What the result of taking cytotec but not pregnant?

Same as when you are pregnant there will just not be any embryo or sac coming out. The cramping and uterus changing lining and bleeding will still be there.

Why would you spot and have light cramping at 11 weeks pregnant?

Your uterus is growing at 11 weeks and it can cause a little spoting

Can you have a metallic smelling discharge n cramping while pregnant?

You should not have a metallic smelling discharge and cramping while pregnant. Mild cramping can occur during early pregnancy, as your uterus is growing and your ligaments are adjusting. However, the cramping and discharge needs to be investigated by your Doctor. This may indicate a water infection or a yeast infection. See your Doctor.

You still have cramps every now and then is that from the egg implanting?

yes ! it is also caused by the uterus expanding preparing to carry your baby

Why is my uterus wall thin at 4 weeks pregnant?

This can be caused by insufficient hormone levels.

When does cramping in pregnancy finish?

Cramping generally occurs throughout pregnancy, as the uterus grows and stretches.

Why does cramping occur in a miscarriage?

The cramping occurs because the uterus attempts to push out the pregnancy tissue.

If you get a lower backache that feels worse when lying down and some slight cramping without bleeding does this mean a miscarriage is going to occur?

Noone can say for sure if a miscarraige will happen. If you are pregnant and experiencing these symptoms, call your doctor immediately. It's not good. Well, it may not be bad either. If you have a tipped uterus, as the uterus expands, you will get mild cramping and back pain. Having a miscarriage isn't slight cramping. It is like you are having a bad period. Your uterus is trying to expell the fetus. However, if you have bleeding, call the doctor. But you are going to have mild cramping little by little as your uterus starts to expand. If it because severe cramping with blood or so severe you can't take it, go to the ER or call a doctor.

5 weeks pregnant and cramping?

Cramping during pregnancy, unfortunately, can mean multiple things; some are okay and some are not so good. It can be gas, constipation, your uterus growing; signs of an ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, and the list can go on and on. If the cramping continues and it concerns you too much you should contact your doctor.