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No, it is quite beneficial. The downside to it is that it has a lot of sugar. Yet, the positives are it: protects against urinary tract infections, contains antioxidants and Vitamin C, protects against stomach ulcers, and even combats the herpes virus.

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Q: Is cranbery juice bad for the body?
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No worse than juice not-from-concentrate. To concentrate a juice, you are only removing some of the water from it. When you later "make" the juice, you add water back to it.

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no fresh orange juice is not bad for your teeth

How does cranbery juice affect urine production?

Well, what I do know is that it helps clean out the urinary tract which in turn can help clear up urinary tract infections. From what I have read however, it may be a myth. Perhaps if you drink a lot of water you can be UTI free as well.

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ladybug juice is bad for you because it burns your skin

Does prune juice do anything bad to your body?

It's good, because it's high in antioxidants and dietary fiber. It can be bad, if the individual doesn't need a natural laxative.

What is the most bad kind of juice?

none but if you mix anything bad in it. that is why you should leave juice the way it is.

Can you give your cat cranbery juice for a urinary tract infection?

Even if you could get her to drink it, cranberry juice changes the pH of the bladder and helps to prevent a urinary tract infection, but does not stop it, once it's started, and there are visible symptoms. You'll need to see the vet, or swing by a tractor supply store to pick up antibiotics to cure the infection in your cat.

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