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Q: Is crow a producer consumers scavenger or a decomposer?
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Are crow's producer's or consumers?

they are consumers

Is a crow a secondary consumer?

Yes, although crows eat a wide variety of food (they are omnivores), they would most accurately be called a secondary consumer. This is because they eat some primary consumers (herbivores).

Is a crow a producer or consumer?

A producer is usually green and plant like. A decomposer is usually bacteria and worm like animals. And crows eat a wide variety of foods, including: fruits, grains, nuts, acorns, snails, mussels, small birds, eggs, rabbits, mice. That sort of sounds like us. It would seem that they would fit in the same category as we do: consumers. Interesting thing is that we can and do eat crow from time to time.

In the food chain what would a crow be considered?


What is the definition of a scavenger?

a scavenger is is the 2nd consumer in the food chain. It eats dead animals. Some examples of scavengers are vultures.A scavenger is a crow or a vulture.a lion

What animals live in the forest that is a scavenger?

Bears, mosquito, crow

What birds a scavenger?

crow, vulture, sometimes turkies, wow how do you spell plural of turkey?

Is crow a scavenger?

yes. it is :) they also help the process of decomposing, I can't remember the technical term for that though. ^-^

What is Apollo's symbol the crow mean?

The crow is a trickster in many cultures, as well as a messenger between heaven and earth. Crows also gain a reputation for cleverness by close association with the Raven. Because it is a scavenger and feeds on carrion, crows are also associated with death.

Is a crow a consumers?

Yes, although crows eat a wide variety of food (they are omnivores), they would most accurately be called a secondary consumer. This is because they eat some primary consumers (herbivores).

Give example of a food chain in the rain forest biome?

Scavengers- King Vulture, Bald Eagle, Decomposers- earthworms, fungi, termites, and bacteria Producers- Grass, The Cathedral Fig Tree, shrubs, Leichhardt Tree, Forest Flame flower, Staghorn Fern Primary Consumers- Colobus Monkey, Sloth, Deer, Mice Secondary Consumers- Owls, Beavers Tertiary Consumers- Bears, Cougars