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Cupping has no demonstrated benefit in the treatment of disease. There is no reason to perform cupping on someone with bladder prolapse.

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Q: Is cupping safe if someone has bladder prolapse?
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Is it safe to have a prolapse?

It's not especially dangerous, but I wouldn't call it "safe". And it is VERY uncomfortable. I don't recommend it.

Is nipple cupping dangerous?

If performed properly cupping is very safe and beneficial to maintain overall health. Cleaning the cardiovascular system and removing dead blood cells enables the body to better oxygenate itself, thereby providing the essential elements to cure many conditions. It is a kin to flushing your radiator so your car runs efficiently and does not overheat. The only associated danger with cupping is a small risk of blood clotting that can occur if not performed properly. Unfortunately many practitioners of cupping charge by the cup and thus over cup patients. According to NSW authorized experts at Broken Earth cupping need only be performed on seven points to clean the entire body. Massage cupping has gained popularity at spas and amongst massage therapists who are not using cupping as it was intended. The dangers of drawing dead blood cells to the surface of a given cupping point and not removing those dead blood cells are very real concerns that are completely overlooked by massage therapist in utilizing massage cupping techniques. While minor exposure to cupping may not be sufficient to cause clotting, cupping that actually produces red marks or draws noticeable blood to the surface will in some cases cause blood clotting. To avoid the risks associated with blood clotting while performing cupping, patients should fast, abstain from sexual intercourse for 48 hours before a cupping procedure, only have cupping performed on odd lunar calendar days in the second half of a lunar cycle (tidal forces on the body as with the ocean - out days) morning sessions only, in the upright sitting position and patients must refrain from sleeping after any procedure for at least several hours following a cupping session. These requirements necessarily reduces the amount of cupping that can be performed by a practitioner and is why most of them are wrongfully ignored. If these rules are followed, cupping is extremely safe and effective. While massage cupping can be safe, it can also be dangerous. It has received much favor because of the aversion to removing blood - but the reason for cupping is in fact for that very purpose - to remove dead blood cells from the body.

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Dynamite, but make sure it wears a condom.

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Treatment for bladder infections?

Drink lots ok fluids also go to doctor to b on the safe side

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Yes because it can become worse

Is it safe to put normal water or drinking water trough urethra into the bladder?

It is not advisable to put normal water into your bladder. You risk introducing bacteria into your urinary tract and cause an infection. Also, you run the risk of causing perforation of either the urethra or bladder, which would be a very serious complication.

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It is safe as long as there is someone experienced.

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