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Morally speaking, yes, it is discrimination to deny same-sex couples to wed. However, church and state beg to differ.

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Q: Is denying same-sex couples the right to marry discrimination?
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Would it be best if same-sex marriage were not legalized?

No. Denying same-sex couples the right to marry benefits no one.

What are some statements concerning same-sex marriage?

There is no legitimate legal argument for limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples only. Denying same-sex couples the right to marry is a violation of the United States Constitution.

What rights are violated by denying same-sex couples the right to marry?

The constitutional right to equal protection under the law. The right to live one's life free from discrimination by the government. The right to access to over 1,000 benefits conferred by legal marriage. The above is only true in the US. Many other countries do not confer similar rights on homosexuals couples. In which case no rights are violated.

Is denying same-sex couples the right to marry a violation of religious freedom?

It can be, if a religious group wants to unite members in matrimony, but is prevented from doing so by civil law.

Should same-sex couples be allowed to marry in a church?

Yes. A church that permits opposite-sex couples to marry, should also permit same-sex couples to marry.

Does the state republican party platform for Colorado include marriage equality?

No. The current platform of the Republican Party in Colorado calls for denying same-sex couples the right to marry and legal recognition of their marriages.

Why should gay people have the right to marry?

Because they're human beings, too, and deserve the same rights as everyone else.

Does the state republican party platform for Idaho include marriage equality?

No. The current platform of the Republican Party in Idaho calls for denying same-sex couples the right to marry and the right to have their marriages legally recognized.

Does the state Republican Party platform for Arkansas include marriage equality?

No. It includes language that supports denying same-sex couples the right to marry, to have their marriages recognized, and to jointly file their federal and state tax returns.

Why should same-sex couples not marry?

Same-sex couples should commit and marry rather than living in sin.

Are gays and lesbians in Massachusetts protected by law against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation?

Yes, Massachusetts outlaws discrimination in credit, public accommodation, housing, public and private employment and in union practices. Also, the MA Commission Against Discrimination has ruled that transgender individuals may pursue discrimination claims under the category of sex or disability discrimination. Same-sex couples are permitted to marry in Massachusetts.

Who has the power to decided of marriages?

The couples have the power to decide. Who to marry and who not to marry.