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It depends how you look at it. Someone with diabeties can live their life and do activites and go to school like a normal person. They just have to watch certain things. Chronic Fatigue causes many many many symptoms and troubles. ALmost everyone who has it has to quit work or cant go to school. In my opinion, diabites doesnt stop you from doing what you want but chronic fatigue syndrome can just tear your like apart. ( like it has done to mine.)

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Q: Is diabetes worse than chronic fatigue syndrome?
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What prescription medication is given to patients who have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME MEDICATIONS: Because of the condition the patient is in (lethargic and lacking energy most of the time) they can become depressed and withdrawn so several drugs can be prescribed by your doctor. Antiviral drugs (Acyclovir) Drugs to fight "hidden" yeat infections (nystatin) Medications to treat depression (antidepressants drugs SSRIs) Medication to treat anxiety (antianxiety drugs such as Celexia, Paxil, etc.) Medication to reduce pain, discomfort and fever. Some medications can cause adverse reactions or side effects that are worse than the original symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. Patients with CFS are encouraged to maintain active social lives and mild physical exercise may also be helpful (such as slow walks, working up to longer walks. EXPECTATIONS (PROGNOSIS) The long-term outlook for patients with CFS is variable and difficult to predict at the initial onset. Some patients have been reported to completely recover after 6 months to a year. Others may take longer for a complete recovery. Some patients report never returning to their pre-illness state. Most studies report that patients treated in an extensive rehibilitation program have a better prognosis of improving significantly than those patients who don't seek treatment. Marcy

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Which is worse crohns or diabetes?

With Diabetes you have to monitor it ALL the time, but with Crohns you may have unexpected diarrhea several times a day. Whichever concerns you most.

Why do you have frequent urination sometimes better sometimes worse?

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