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When a ferret has a blockage, its poop will usually be thin, or non existent. Diarrhea is probably a sign of an upset stomach one cause is by changing food to rapidly. Make sure your ferret drinks lots of fluids and continues pooping. Any time a ferret has diarrhea, it needs immediate attention, if it continues after one day, take him to the VETERINARIAN IMMEDIATELY. Ferrets go downhill rapidly and can die within a few days. Nutritional Diarrhea in ferrets - Changing your ferrets food can cause mild diarrhea because their short intestinal tract is very sensitive to changes in diet. Anytime you change a ferret diet, it should be done gradually to avoid upset stomach. Diarrhea in ferrets can be dangerous because loss of fluids can cause dehydration. It is important that your ferret have water available at all times. If a ferret is given a food that causes diarrhea for several days consecutively, dehydration might result, and the stress might induce a secondary infectious diarrhea disease.

Diarrhea is a symptom and not a disease, it is indicative of a problem which may be serious or minor.

Infectious diarrhea in ferrets can be caused by

* Parasites * Bacteria * Viruses There are also other miscellaneous causes of diarrhea in ferrets such as cancers, two or more diseases present, stress. If diarrhea persists, seek veterinarian advise.

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Q: Is diarrhea a signs of an partial intestinal blockage in a ferret?
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What are the earliest signs of blockage in a ferret?

A ferret with an an intestinal blockage or partial intestinal blockage symptoms: * vomiting, sometimes projectile vomiting * Not eating or drinking/or poor appetite * no stool, skinny (narrow) stool or loose stool (diarrhea) * straining to defecate * lethargy * signs of abdominal pain (pawing at mouth, grinding teeth)

Can A ferret die from eating bedding?

Yes a ferret could die from eating it's bedding. It could be made from a material which is toxic to the ferret when ingested or it could lead to an intestinal blockage which can be fatal if not treated.

Can you use organic material or peat moss in a ferret's cage?

I would advise against it. If the peat moss (or other plant materials) are eaten it can easily cause an intestinal blockage. Instead I would get a ferret harness and leash and take it outside instead, I think this would be more fun for the ferret.

Can a ferret have hairball remedy?

Yes, ferrets can have hairball remedy. It is recommended a small dose every few days, as ferrets cannot pass hairballs and could cause intestinal blockage

Can a ferret eat carrots?

No. Ferrets are obligate carnivores. This means they cannot digest any non meat based foods. Feeding them foods such as fruit, vegetables, grains or dairy can lead to illness in the ferret or in severe cases to intestinal blockage which may require surgical treatment.

Can diarrhea get a ferret sick?

Yes, Diarrhea is a symptom of a disease or illness

Why would a ferret's stomach bloat?

== == == == Possible causes - '''Intestinal blockage (fur balls, eating soft rubber objects); heart disease; poison; internal tumor''' Intestinal obstruction or blockage in the stomach is a common cause of premature death in ferrets. Many ferrets like to chew on soft rubber, foam rubber, sponges, rubber bands, pencil erasers and other small items and can become lodged in the intestines. Also grain-based foods (breads, cakes, cookies, cereals, noodles, etc.), nuts, or fibrous fruits and vegetables are indigestible to ferrets (lack a cecum) and can result in digestive problems, including blockages. Unless surgery is performed immediately to remove the obstruction or blockage, it will cause an agonizing, slow death. If your ferret appears bloated, loss of appetite, abnormal bowel movements, or exhibiting any abnormal behavoirs, it could be an intestinal blockage and be a medical emergency and need immediate veterinarian care. Advice from other contributors: It could be multiple things. The best bet is to have it checked out by a vet. For suspected intestinal blockage try feeding it a couple 10ml syringes (the kind without the needle, for hand-feeding) of pumpkin pie filling (not sweetened). It is loaded with fiber and if your ferret has a hairball, as most ferrets get, this will get it to pass out faster than hairball remover and is safer than giving your ferret chemicals. My vet recommended it when my ferret had chewed an eraser up and didn't poop it out. Many ferrets also get cancer. I had a ferret with a bloaty-belly that we rescued. She was under weight everywhere else but her belly was bloated. Suspecting an intestinal blockage she went to the vet but x-rays revealed it was cancer and she was put down. Many ferrets get cancer in different places but make sure your vet can rule this out with an xray.

How do you treat a ferret that has diarrhea?

If you ferret has diarrhea, it's a symptom that could be caused by one of several diseases or illnesses in ferrets and can only be diagnosed by a veterinarian.

What is the best type of ferret litter tray?

Standard cat litter trays are ideal. More important is the type of litter you use - it must be the non-clumping type, as clumping litter can collect about the ferret's anus (due to them being much lower to the ground than a cat) and in extreme cases cause fatal intestinal blockage.

Do ferrets loose hair in summer?

The ferret may change coats twice a year. You can help it shed it's fur by using a very fine comb, and maybe go over with a brush. This prevents hairballs / intestinal blockage and is good for circulation.

Can switching a ferrets food cause diarrhea?

Changing your ferrets food can cause mild diarrhea because their short intestinal tract is very sensitive to changes in diet. Anytime you change a ferret diet, it should be done gradually to avoid upset stomach. Diarrhea in ferrets can be dangerous because loss of fluids can cause dehydration. It is important that your ferret have water available at all times. If a ferret is given a food that causes diarrhea for several days consecutively, dehydration might result, and the stress might induce a secondary infectious diarrheal disease.Diarrhea is a symptom and not a disease, it is indicative of a problem which may be serious or minor.Infectious diarrhea in ferrets can be caused by* Parasites * Bacteria * Viruses There are also other miscellaneous causes of diarrhea in ferrets such as cancers, two or more diseases present, stress. If diarrhea persists, seek veterinarian advise.

What sickness can a 5 month old ferret get?

There are several illnesses or disease that a 5 month old ferret can get like influenza, ulcers, stomach blockage