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No direct cost and controlled costs are both separate costs.

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Q: Is direct cost and controlled cost the same?
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Is direct cost same to indirect cost?

No direct costs and indirect costs are not same and opposite of each other.

Is direct labor cost a relevant cost?

If direct labor cost creates impact or influences the decision then it is relevant cost but if direct labor is not creating influence or changing in decision then it is irrelevant cost for example direct labor cost remain same irrespective of whatever the decision then direct labor cost is also irrelevant.

What is other direct cost?

Other direct cost is direct cost other than direct material and direct labor which is prime cost of production.

What is the sum of direct labor and direct materials called?

prime cost = direct labour cost + direct material cost + direct expenses

What is difference between Direct Cost and Direct Costing?

Direct cost is cost of product while direct costing is the process which study or accounts the direct cost allocation to products.

What is the average direct labor cost in manufacturing?

Average direct labor cost is the opening direct labor cost + closing direct labor cost / 2

Is direct material a selling cost?

is direct cost a? Selling cost, manufacturing costs, direct, manufacturing cost indirect, general and administrative cost, fixed cost , variable cost, is direct cost a? Selling cost, manufacturing costs, direct, manufacturing cost indirect, general and administrative cost, fixed cost , variable cost,

What is direct Cost per unit?

Direct cost per unit is that cost of unit incurred to manufacture one unit of product.Formula for direct cost per unit = total direct cost / total number of units.

Difference between direct cost and direct costing?

Direct cost is that cost which is directly identifiable with production volume while direct costing is the method or process through which direct cost is allocated to production.

Difference between direct cost and indirect cost?

direct cost has direct relation with product manufacturing while indirect cost not and not identifiable with cost as well.

Is direct material cost an overhead?

no direct cost is not an overhead

Is a bond cost a direct cost?

No bond cost is not a direct cost as it is not directly related with production of goods.