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Yes. A divorce decree would not be nullified if the marriage date was inadvertently misstated. You could try calling the court that issued the decree for confirmation.

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Q: Is divorce legal if date of marriage is incorrect?
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this is a complicated situation only a good divorce lawyer should handle.

Is a divorce legal if no papers were signed after the court date?

Generally, the divorce is legal once the decree has been issued.

What basic forms need to be filed in a divorce?

The basic forms that need to be filed in a divorce are the names, date of birth, date of marriage, names of children from this marriage. One also has to state reasons for the divorce, like for example cruel and abusive treatment, or adultery.

Does divorce date show on new marriage license?

No. It only tells that you were divorced.

Is my divorce date the date of the judgment of dissolution or the date filed by the clerk?

The divorce date is typically the date of the judgment of dissolution. This is the date when the court officially grants the divorce and ends the marriage. The date filed by the clerk refers to the date when the divorce paperwork was initially submitted to the court.

Are marriages in Nevada legal if not legally divorced from another state?

No! Nevada requires that you provide the date and state of your divorce for all previous marriages. If the divorce is not final - then the new marriage is not only not legal, but is illegal. Whomever is still legally married at the time of the new marriage in Nevada is committing bigamy and can go to jail for it. In the United States you can only be married to one person at a time.

Why do you need your marriage certificate once I am divorced to get married again?

You shouldn't need your first marriage certificate, but your divorce papers to legally show you are divorced; where you were divorced and the date of the divorce to make your second marriage legal and if one did not provide this document it is highly possible some people would not have actually divorced their former mate and it's called bigamy and against the law.

Is a Jamaican marriage legal in the United States?

Divorce in the United States is governed by the particular laws of each US State (ie: Florida). The requirements are different in each State. Any person seeking to file divorce must know what are the requirements of the State in which the person seeks to file a divorce (Dissolution of Marriage). So long as the filing requirements for the particular state is met, any person meeting those requirements can generally file for divorce no matter where marriage took place (Jamaica or anywhere else in the world). In Florida, Divorce is can be had by any person where at least one of the two married persons resides in the State of Florida for six (6) months prior to date of filing divorce. Florida residency can generally be established by a Florida drivers licenses, or by voters registration card, or by affidavits from witnesses.

Can you legal get married in Mexico if you are married in the US?

No, if you are legally married anywhere in the world then the marriage is considered legal under US law. Any subsequent marriage while still married anywhere would be legally invalid and you could be arrested for bigamy.

Is a marriage legal if license is filed past due date?

No not at all!

What is the average cost divorce in Jamaica?

A divorce in Jamaica can be obtained by hiring a lawyer to dissolve the marriage. A lawyer will file divorce papers with the courts and get a hearing date.