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If you are asking if it is ethical, no.

If you are asking if you can get fired for it, probably. Most companies have a clause in the employment contract that covers this.

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Q: Is doing non-work-related activities with a computer while you are being paid to do your job?
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What is doing non work related activities with a computer while you are being paid to do your job called?


Is doing non-work-related activities with a computer while you are being paid to do your job what is it called?

It's called theft of time and misuse of company resources.

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Is doing non-work-related activities with a computer while you are being paid to do your job.?

If you are asking if it is ethical, no. If you are asking if you can get fired for it, probably. Most companies have a clause in the employment contract that covers this.

What may cause the headt rate to increase?

by doing activities and being scared or screaming

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doing more intelectual activities, doing more fisical activities, develop motrosity, etc. teachers may improve students develpoment whiel being fun but strict.

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What is it called when your doing anything on a computer while you are being paid to do your job?

It's called cyberloafing. Dunno what the other person was talking about...--> Depends upon what you are doing. Your title would detail it best as computers are so embedded and a part of any job title now

Is doing anything with a computer while you are being paid to do your job?

Hmaybe it suppose to recommend the job