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Q: Is doxycycline safe if i have a j pouch?
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Do marsupials have a pouch to keep their young safe?

Most marsupials have a pouch. The numbat is one which does not.

Is it safe to mix doxycycline with daily multivitamins?

Do not take iron supplements, multivitamins, calcium supplements, antacids, or laxatives within 2 hours before or after taking doxycycline.

Does this hospital do j pouch surgeries?

You need to specify which Hospital to get a proper answer

Can you take doxycycline hyc and diclofenac?

can i take is it safe to take diclofenac and doxycline together/

Is doxycycline safe for males to take for chlamydia?

Doxycycline has many different uses. In some cases it should not be the only medicine used. In some situations it is quite dangerous. Ask your doctor.

How do you use pouch in a sentence?

Sure! Here's an example sentence using the word "pouch": She carried her coins and keys in a small pouch attached to her belt.

How do young kangaroos stay safe?

Young kangaroos stay safe in their mother's pouch for about 7 - 8 months.After that, although they are not permanent residents of the pouch, they may still scramble back in to safety until they are almost a year old.

Is it safe to take Doxycycline and Bactrim at the same time?

Yes as per infection antibiotics can b mixed. Take as directed

Do panda hatches from a eat or born alive?

A panda is a marsupial which means the young develop in a pouch. They are known as pouch animals because the adult female have a pouch on the outside of the body where the young grow up and keeps the baby warm and safe.

What is the cause of a j-pouch failure with ileal pouch anal anastomosis?

There are a number of reasons the J pouch anal anastomosis fails. I would say the most common fault would be when the patient is in pain from constant pouchitis, an inflamed condition of the pouch which does not abate over a course of time and the pouch owner choses to have the pouch excised and return to an Ileostomy. Other reasons include stricture of the join at the anastomosis which closes off the exit and difficulty in evacuating faeces occurs. Perforation is another pouch failure condition, the stitched seam can break open due to force or trauma, the bowel contents then enter the peritonium, an emergency laparotomy is necessary to rectify the condition.

Is doxycycline an antibiotic?

Doxycycline is an antibiotic.