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That depends entirely on the individual dream interpreter. Many pastoral counselors, therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists use dream analysis in counseling and therapy. The theories of dream analysis were begun by Freud himself, then further developed by Jung and many other therapists through the past century. More recently, neurological research, particularly the use of brain scans and the development of sleep research, has advanced the understanding of dreams and their importance to both mental and physical health.

... At the same time, there are also many dream interpreters who take an entirely different approach, offering psychic dream interpretation along with claims of having special abilities to understand the meaning of dreams.

... A third approach needs to be mentioned, one that is related to religious traditions. In the Abrahamic religions, stories of dream interpretations from the Hebrew, Christian and Islamic texts serve to authenticate the practice of dream interpretation as a means of divine guidance and inspiration.

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Q: Is dream interpretation more like palm reading Tarot and mysticism instead of psychology and psychiatry?
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