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yes drinking driving is a crime

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Q: Is drinking driving crime
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Why would drinking and driving be on a person's record forever?

Drinking and driving is a crime that leads to many deaths and injuries, and it is not uncommon for people who are convicted of DUI to commit further offenses. It is only reasonable to keep track of people who are liable to do that.

Can you find out who reported you for Drinking and Driving?

No. Even if the person did give their name (doubtful) there is no way to find out. ------------------------------------------------- Remember it is the DUTY of any citizen to report a crime. If you had been drinking to excess and then driving, you deserved to be reported. How would you feel if you had killed someone!

Argentina drinking and driving law?

Drinking: 18 Driving: 18

Which activity causes the greatest risk of driving fatalities?

The correct answer is : drinking and driving

Is reckless driving a crime in NJ?

im pretty sure reckless driving is a crime everywhere...

Can your accusative be violating your rights when they call from Oklahoma to Kentucky to report you for drinking and driving?

Accusative is not a person. An accuser would not violate your rights by reporting your crime from another state.

What does a breathalyser do to stop people from drinking and driving?

It doesnt. The police use it if they suspect someone drinking and driving and get the suspect to breath into it to tell them if the have been drinking.

Do people die from drinking and driving?

Ya 12 people die every minute because of drinking and driving.

Should you ban drinking and driving?

Answershould you ban drinking and drivingNo, you should the drink down before driving.

What are the main points behind the DWI Law?

The main points behind the DWI law is stop the use of drinking and driving. This puts the offender on notice that this crime is punishable and not acceptable.

What is the most beers you can have if you are driving?

NONE, no drinking while driving.

What are drinking and driving laws?

All states of the United States have laws against drinking and driving. The national standard for driving while intoxicated in 0.08 BAC.