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In drinking milk after eating meat good? What problem will faced our body for the activities?

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Q: Is drinking milk after eating meat good?
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Is drinking milk after eating meat is good?

Not for an Orthodox Jew.

Do Jewish people drink cows milk?

Yes, there's no prohibition against drinking cow's milk in Judaism. The only time we don't drink milk of any kind is when we are eating meat or within 6 hours of eating meat.

Which is healtier drinking a milk before eating or drinking a milk after eating?

It is healtier either way.

Does eating watermelon and drinking milk make you sick?


I need to gain four pounds in four days any suggestions on what i should be eating or drinking?

Drink: Alcohol Sodas Ginger Ale Chocolate Milk Eat: Burgers Pasta Meat and... Pizza good luck...I wish i were you!

What food are Jews not allowed to mix up?

Jewish law prohibits eating milk and meat together.

If you drink milk after eating a jalapeno pepper does it help?

Yes, drinking milk does help your fiery mouth after eating a jalapeno pepper.

What is Irene van Dyks eating prgramme?

eating proteins like eating cheese,eating vegetables and drinking milk

Time frame between eating milk and meat for Jews?

Traditions vary. The time frames are as follows: Eating Meat after milk - anything from nothing except drinking a glass of water to half-an-hour. The exception is that certain hard cheeses require a 6 hour wait. Eating milk after meat - there are three main categories - 1. The Dutch tradition is one hour. 2. Three hours 3. A lot of Orthodox Jews, Charedim and Chasids keep six hours.

What happens when a Muslim baby is born?

Muslim people celebrate by drinking wine and eating only bread. the baby will also be dressed fully and will be given breast milk and meat.

How do you feel full without eating?

Either by drinking milk or water

What if your puppy eating fine and drinking cows milk but wont drink water?

Stop giving him milk. He will drink water when he gets thirsty enough.Toughlove. It's for his own good.