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No its not at all hygienic, it carries germs.

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Q: Is drying your hands on the tea towel that is used to polish cutlery very hygienic?
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What type of cutlery did miners use?


What are the cure for scarlet fever?

obey the hygienic lows .wash your hands

How can communicable diseases be prevented?

we can wash our hands and have a bath and be very hygienic.

How dysentry can be prevented?

By consuming hygienic food and water. washing hands with antiseptic liquid after using the washroom. hygienic home and toilet is of utmost importance.

Is it possible to use a knife fork and spoon as the hands of a clock?

I have seen ones with cutlery as the hands but you might need someone to do it for you.

How do you get nail polish remover smell from hands?

wash your hands.

Why do people in India eat with their hands?

Three reasons, in an order of increasing relevance - 1. The kind of food they eat: A standard Indian fare requires a lot of blending and mixing while eating. 2.Hygiene: Hands ought to be washed if you're to use them for eating. Thoroughly washed hands are likely to be more hygienic than improperly stored, or worse improperly cleaned, shared cutlery. 3. Tradition.

Why is it bad to soak your hands in nail polish remover?

Not all Nail Polish Remover is bad for your fingers or hands. Theres different kinds such as "strengthening or nourishing" Plus much, much, more. After you're done soaking your nails or hands in Nail Polish Remover be sure to put some lotion on your hands and fingers so your hands won't get dried out. :)

What brand of nail polish dries the fastest?

i think opi is the brand that dries the fastest

Is ebony hygienic?

Any substance with bacteria or germs on it is un-hygienic. If you're talking about a shared ebony-wood musical instrument, make sure to clean any parts touched with the hands or mouth before the next person plays the instrument. I would say it is as hygienic as any other wood.

Why do sharks toss around their prey?

They don't have hands or pockets to keep cutlery in to cut their food up into little pieces.

You spilled nail polish and it has stained your hands how can you get if off?

Nail polish remover usually serves to remove nail polish, its quite a nifty invention