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Q: Is dull pain a sign of a impacted wisdom teeth?
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What could cause headaches with facial twitching and ear symptoms?

It is impacted wisdom teeth or partially impacted wisdom teeth. By ear symptoms I assume you mean ear ache. I am going through these exact symptoms at the moment. Accompanied by head aches, neck and back pain, swollen neck lymph nodes and of course pain/swelling/redness in the back of the mouth where the impacted wisdom teeth are.

Do you have to get your wisdom teeth pulled?

It's not necessary for you to get your wisdom teeth removed if they are correctly positioned in your mouth and do not cause any pain or dental problems. Visit

Why are the inside of your cheeks torn up and jaw very tender almost 5 days after having wisdom teeth pulled?

I had my wisdom teeth removed Wednesday, 2 exposed on the top, 2 impacted on the bottom, the top is just fine, minus feeling funny with no teeth there, but the bottom is so swollen that is is almost covering my molars, the insides of my cheeks are very torn up like they have been chewed on for months. Plus I still have a lot of dull, achy pain that sometimes has a sudden sharp pain. Is this normal?

Is it possible to make your teeth crooked by your wisdom teeth if they are already straight mine are growing towards my teeth?

Your wisdom teeth will most likely make your other teeth crooked if they are impacted and growing sideways in your mouth..they also make it harder to clean the teeth that they are impacted into (your molars) Get them pulled out before this becomes a bigger problem An impacted wisdom tooth is very painful and often only continues with brief periods of relief from the pain by a couple months. You do not want to end up in the emergency room over this which will charge you a pretty penny and be starving at the same time because its impossble to eat your in so much pain. If your wisdom teeth are pulled what will happen is that the front teeth will be able to space out in the front by filling up the space that was once the crowded wisdom teeth in the back. This should always be done by a professional or at the very least a dental school because clinics that just pull teeth can often make mistakes like breaking teeth which lead to infections.

Do wisdom tooth extractions affect other teeth?

No. However, not having them removed can. Wisdom teeth are teeth that are not needed. Our mouths were designed to have them but not need them. If they come in and are not straight they are called "impacted". When they become impacted they can cause danger to the roots of other teeth. This is when they need to be removed.

What can hurt when your wisdom teeth are coming in?

The wisdom teeth can in fact hurt your jaw if there is no enough room for them to grow properly in your jaw bone. Wisdom teeth have high possibility of getting impacted as a result of smaller jaw bones. One of the most common reasons is to inherit the jaw size from one parent and teeth size from another parent and if the jaw size and teeth size are in discrepancy you end up having impacted wisdom teeth. The other reason could be simply because of some changes in the pathway your wisdom teeth are growing. For getting more info please click on this link here. Dr.Benjamin Ghotbi

How much pain are you in after getting wisdom teeth cut out?


Can erupting wisdom teeth cause pain in neighboring tooth?

Yes, wisdom teeth coming in can cause headaches and soar throats too.

Why do people get their wisdom teeth removed?

Wisdom teeth get pulled out to prevent pain and discomfort. If the wisdom teeth don't have enough room in the back of your mouth and they grow in they will push your existing teeth out of the way and cause them to be mashed together. They can also grow in sideways, this is known as being 'impacted'. Sores can grow on your gums and become infected, leading to major problems down the road.

When your wisdom teeth are coming through can all your teeth be sore?

It's highly possible. As the Wisdom Teeth are joined to your jaw the pain can feel like it's running through all your teeth.

Why do we need to remove wisdom teeth?

There is a need to remove wisdom teeth only if they cause problems or might cause them in the future. There are no proper benefits of removing wisdom teeth if there are no issues. Removing wisdom teeth without a reason can be painful and may come with side effects. There is a huge percentage of adults in Europe that have not gotten their wisdom teeth removed because there is no need. So the question is when should we get our wisdom teeth removed. Before you plan to get it removed, it is better to answer these few questions: - Have your wisdom teeth caused a problem to the nearby teeth, or do you see an increased risk of that happening? Are the wisdom teeth stopping the other teeth from developing in the right way? Will the wisdom teeth interfere with the dental treatments or any jaw-related treatments you have planned? What risks are associated with wisdom tooth removal surgery? Could the wisdom teeth replace the missing or badly damaged molar? If you have already positioned permanent teeth, the extra molars will force the teeth to move. It causes pain or overcrowding. That means it will get difficult to brush your teeth or floss effectively. Impacted wisdom teeth can affect the sinuses. Wisdom teeth have to be removed if the molar's growth causes pain or congestion. Oral health is very much essential. Therefore, make sure to consult your dentist regularly to prevent any dental issues from occurring. Visit Platinum Dental Care for the best quality dental treatments at affordable prices.

What do you need to know about wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth or third molars are usually the last teeth to develop, and are located in the back of your mouth. They usually have developed between the ages of 17 and 24. The jaws of modern humans are normally not large enough for the wisdom teeth to enter into the mouth and become fully functional. When this occurs they are classified as 'impacted', meaning that they are blocked by another tooth or bone and are therefore prevented from entering and assuming a normal position in the mouth. A special x-ray of your teeth and jaws called an OPG (orthopantomogram) can determine if your wisdom teeth are impacted.