

Is earth inertial or noninertial frame?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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Non inertial

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Q: Is earth inertial or noninertial frame?
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Is earth an inertial frame of reference?

Is earth an inertia or non inertial frame of reference? plz do reply as soon as possible

What is the difference between inertial reference frame and absolute reference frame?

An inertial frame of reference = constant vel. non inertial frame of reference = acceleration

Why earth is considered as an inertial frame of reference although it is rotating?

Because we're rotating with it

Is the satellites move in inertial frame?

Yes, a satellite orbiting a planet, such as Earth, is in an inertial reference frame. This is puzzling because the satellite is not moving in a straight line. Doesn't that mean it is accelerated to curve its path circling the Earth? The only reliable way of determining whether or not you are in an inertial frame is by detection of a force that prevents you from floating freely in your space ship. If you are floating freely, as you would in the orbiting International Space Station (a big satellite), then you are in an inertial frame. If you are able to sit or stand unrestrained in your space ship then the ship is undergoing some sort of an acceleration. This really has nothing to do with your trajectory since, for example, you can speed up or slow down on a "straight line" and feel the force of acceleration. The only straight line that can be used to define an inertial frame is the geodesic path described in Einstein's General Theory of Relativity.

Why earth is inertial frame of reference?

because it is non.accelerated as it as a uniform velocity of revlving around sun.

Is the inertial reference frame an absolute reference frame?

the inertial reference frame is not absolute. because motion is not absolute. motion is relative depends on who's looking/observing.

Difference between inertial frame of reference and non-inertial frame of reference?

An inertial frame of reference (FOR) is a non-accelerating FOR , for example if a person is observing a moving car while at rest or while moving at constant velocity, he is in an inertial FOR. A non-inertial frame of reference is an accelerating FOR for example a rotating FOR. ( Rotation requires centripetal force and centripetal acceleration so any rotating object always requires a centripetal acceleration to rotate.)

What is an inertial reference?

An inertial reference frame is a frame ... a box, a laboratory, a space capsule etc. ... in which Netwon's laws of motion hold true. Example: My office on the earth is not an inertial reference frame. An object in motion doesn't "remain in constant uniform motion without application of an external force", because of air resistance. Also, an object released in the middle of the air doesn't stay there, it accelerates toward the floor.

Why simultaneous events for one observer may not be simultaneous for another observer?

This is because light requires time to travel from point A to point B and when observed from a different inertial frame of reference, the two events may not appear to be simultaneous. Inertial reference frame: Inertial refers to the frame (an area in which the laws of physics work the same for all observers within it) which is neither accelerating nor decelerating. Example: Earth

Why newton's laws are not valid in non inertial frame of reference?

newtons laws are always valid in non inertial frames

Does angular momentum requires an inertial frame?

nope...itz not necessary that the frame should be inertial....the only necesarry condition is that the TOTAL EXTERNAL TORQUE acting ABOUT THE REFERENCE AXIS should be ZERO...

Is centrifugal acceleration a uniform acceleration?

In the rotating frame, it can be (though it doesn't have to be). In an inertial frame, no (though it can be uniform in magnitude).