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For some people, hot foods are really good. For others, they are not.

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Q: Is eating too much hot and spicy foods unhealthy?
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Eating too much too quickly or eating spicy food.

Why is it unhealthy to eat large amounts of snack food?

Well it depends on what type of snack foods your eating Its all about a balance diet so if your eating to much of the same snacks then it is unhealthy but if you eat different snacks maybe one healthy one unhealthy after lunch and one after dinner then you will be a healthy person. Hope this helps

What type of eating behavior can cause heartburn?

Eating too much salt, eating spicy food, and generally eating just too much.

why, Yo how much eating,school,gaming would be consider unhealthy ?

wonder if its unhealthy because of 5g

What happens when you eat a lot of salt or spicy foods?

if you eat a lot of spicy foods, your mouth may burn and your stomach may be upset. Too much salt can be bad for your heart.

Why are unhealthy foods NOT good for you?

Unhealthy foods are considered unhealthy because they contain large amounts of a bad thing. Cholesterol, for example is important for the body, but too much of it can cause heart problems. Many unhealthy foods contain fats which the body needs to store minerals and vitamins, but too much of this can cause obesity, and raise the risk of Diabetes and other conditions.

What exactly is an ulcer and how can it help me?

The ulcer diet is good because it means that you avoid hot and spicy foods. This is good for your ulcer, and makes eating not hurt as much, it also means a lot of dairy products.