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Yes if it is applicable to current paradigm. If not, it's as useless as the road map of 2,000 yrs ago. The Ecumenical Movement can be dangerous spiritually to the church, because The Bible says that in the last days the whole world will be "as one," united under the Antichrist, including all religions. So the Ecumenical Movement is just paving the way for a one-world religion of Antichrist.

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Ecumenism is a very divided subject and has two interpretations as to its proper meaning and conduct. They shall be set forth in the following:

Traditional InterpretationEcumenism is the uniting of all in one, in the case of the Church, this is Its divine mission to unite all in the Faith of Christ. To this end, the Church actively seeks to spread Christ's Gospel and Church throughout the world that all may be given the chance to embrace its message and thereby attain salvation.

Proponents of the Traditional interpretation consider the teaching extremely important today in a time when many see faith as something that is not serious and religion a personal choice that is not to affect public action and should have no effect on society or social decisions. Traditional ecumenists see morality slipping and Truth being put on par with error, obscuring Christ's Truth and robbing people of vital guidance needed for the health and salvation of their souls. They, therefore, actively push the Church to remind the world that Christ is God and that both men and governments must submit to His Laws and Truths. They look to signs such as public conversions to Catholicism as well as stands against dumbing down Catholic religion as much needed reminders that there is salvation outside the Church.

Modern InterpretationInfluenced by the Ecumenical movement begun a hundred years before in Protestant circles, Vatican II allowed a new interpretation to grow in strength despite the Church's ancient doctrines opposing it. This new interpretation has since become widespread amongst Catholic faithful and hierarchy alike. The new ecumenism seeks to established a union between all Christian religions which it calls a dialogue. This dialogue is desired that the Christian religions might find equal ground and similar beliefs between them instead of continuing in the bickering and condemnations that have been typical of the past centuries regarding disparities in doctrine and discipline. The environment of respect and understanding that the new ecumenism sponsors is further strengthened by the more aggressive members who encourage interfaith celebrations, meetings, prayers and participation.

Proponents of the Modern interpretation of Ecumenism see it as a vital link in establishing peace in the world. They are tired of divisions set forth in the name of Christ and instead believe that Christ wishes people to seek unity in Him, the details being largely man-made constructs and hurt pride that are ridiculous to fight over. Instead of looking for division, Christians should be looking for unity. In a western world that is fast losing its Christian identity, ecumenists seek to unite Christianity in order to better be able to spread Christ's message of love and give testimony to it through mutual cooperation among Christian bodies. They look to interfaith gatherings and papal and episcopal visits to the festivals and locations of other faiths as progress towards a greater understanding and respect of humans for one another as well as the vanguard of religious peace.

The Two ViewsThe Traditional and Modern interpretations of Ecumenism in the Church are diametrically opposed to one another. The Traditional view sees Christ's Truth as the standard which should unite people, and love implies submission to Christ's Will and His Truth. Thus people must be united in Truth. Modern ecumenism is repugnant to the Traditional view as it puts error on par with Truth for the sake of human respect. The Modern view in turn is appalled and embarrassed by the traditional view which it sees as intolerant and stubborn in how it seeks to put dry doctrines before the unity of Christ. Since the highest principle of the modern view is the love of Christ, it does not consider particular doctrines of particular denominations to be sufficient excuse not to unite and celebrate Christ among believers.
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It brings about tolerance, respect, & understanding between people of different religious beliefs.

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