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Electronic or Electric Engineering is not necessarily better than that of a mechanical engineering. This would usually depend on your field of interest and expertise. Both are involved in building but they differ in what they build or fix. Electric Engineering deals with electronics and smaller parts that make up a big technology while mechanical Engineer designs and builts large scale machines or machinery.

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Q: Is electronic engineering better than mechanical engineering?
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no chemical eng is not beter than mech because it has so mind tention so mech is best

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Mechanical Engineering has a good scope than ece....ece is all about electric devices and communication devices.......even mechanical engineer can do some of that job....mechanical can go in any field even in IT field if you are good at i vote for mechanical......

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Neither, that is a matter of opinion. Various people will give you various answers. If you look at numbers, at least near where I live, there are many more mechanical engineers than computer engineers, so you could say that mechanical engineering is more popular. But you cannot say which is better without more detail, in example: better salary, or better job opportunities.

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At Chemical Engineering....Yes.Another answer:It's like asking if a career as a doctor is better than a career as a lawyer. You need to look at what suits you.

Why do you choose electronic and communication engineering?

im interested in finding out how it works. and for me there's nothing more creative than electronic and communication engineering. and i believe that electronic and communication engineering has boost to my life.

What are the job oppurtunities of mechanical engineer?

Mechanical Engineering is one of the oldest branch of engineering. So it is called as a mother branch of engineering. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), mechanical engineers hold over 222,000 jobs, more than half of which are in manufacturing: machinery, transportation equipment, computer and electronic products, and fabricated metal products manufacturing industries. The BLS predicts an increase of nearly 10,000 mechanical engineering jobs by 2016. If you are interested in mechanical engineering field then you have to a good understanding of what is involved in mechanical engineer jobs. In this situation Strategic Search Corporation can help you and guide you to get the success.