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Yes in his new video fro upcoming album Marshall Mathers LP 2 he has blonde hair again, SHADY IS BACK

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Q: Is eminem going to die his hair back blonde?
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Did eminem dye his hair black or blonde?


Was Eminem's hair blonde or brown in 2010?

His hair was brown in 2010.

Will Eminem die his hair back blonde?

well he said during an interview the reason that he stopped dieing his hair was it was getting really expensive

Is dying blonde hair to black going to ruin your hair?

You just won't be able to go back to blonde.

What is Eminem's natural hair-colour?

Eminem's original hair color is dark brown, the color it is now.

How old is Eminem's dater?

Rapper Eminem has one daughter. She graduated from high school in 2014 and is 18 years old. She has blonde hair.

Does Selena Gomez have blonde hair?

She puts on a blonde wig because you can see the dark hair in the back

Jason dolley hair colors?

his hair is naturally blonde, but he died it brown for his part in enemies. it is now back to blonde.

What color eyes do Eminem have?

Eminem's hair color is dark brown right now. He died his hair blonde when he was little. Now he just switches every so often.

What is niall's nature hair colour?

Niall is naturally a brunette (brown hair). He used to dye his hair blonde but is now quitting. Niall said "My hair was brown with stupid highlights before, but it got changed to bleached Eminem blond. I'm not going to lie, it hurt my scalp. I don't know how women do it."

What hair color does Eminem have?

For a fact it is dirty/dark blonde. Because if u look at pictures of when he was a little kid you can tell. Now it's actually dark brown but when he was younger he died it blonde.

I have dirty blonde hair and I am going to get the tips of my hair dyed bleach blonde and streaks in my bangs at a professional salon how long will this last?

When you bleach your hair, you are stripping all the colour out of it. There's no way for the color to come back in, therefore, it will last forever. (or atleast until you cut it off.)