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Yes, the word "encouraged" is a verb.

It's the past tense of the verb "encourage"

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Q: Is encouraged a verb
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Is encouraged a past particle present particle or a present verb?

"Encouraged" is the simple past and past participle of the verb "encourage".

What part of speech is encouraged?

Encouragement is a noun.

How do you say to be encourage in Spanish?

The verb, 'to be encouraged' is 'apoyarse.'

What is the verb for encouraging?

The word 'encourage' is a verb: encourage, encourages, encouraging, encouraged.

Is encourager a noun?

No, the word 'encouraged' is the past tense of the verb to encourage (encourages, encouraging, encouraged). Example:My parents encouraged me to pursue my passion.

Is the word encourage a noun?

No, the word 'encourage' is a verb: encourage, encourages, encouraging, encouraged. The noun forms of the verb to encourage are encouragement and the gerund, encouraging.

What is the adverb for encouraged?

The verb encourage has the present participle encouraging, which as an adjective can have the adverb form encouragingly.

What is dangling verb?

Although this would might be an uncommon grammar argument, a dangling verb may be referred to more commonly as a dangling modifier. In this case, it may be a non-parallel shift in what is being acted upon in a compound sentence. For example, "They are encouraged to go to clubs" would be trouble-free, but add another clause onto this and trouble ensues. For example: "They are encouraged to go to school and relationships established." To repair the damage caused by the non-parallel, additional clause, you have to use the same parallel type of clause, or use a second verb to modify the clause in a parallel way. "They are encouraged to go to school and establish relationships with peers."

Is talk a noun?

Yes, the word talk is both a verb and a noun. Examples:Verb: I'd love to talk when I have more time.Noun: The visiting professor gave a talk on the future of semi-conductors.

Is encourage an idea noun?

The word 'encourage' is not a noun; encourage (encourages, encouraging, encouraged) is a verb.The abstract noun forms for the verb to encourage are encouragement and the gerund, encouraging.

What is the Tagalog of encouraged?

Tagalog translation of encouraged: nahikayat

What were powerful African leaders encouraged to do?

I think they were encouraged to do something