

Is essiac tea safe for dogs?

Updated: 11/13/2022
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16y ago

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From the sound of your question, I would assume that your friend has been diagnosed with cancer. Although the Caisse formula is non-lethal to humans, it's made up from making a tea from natural roots, etc. Those familiar with Essiac tea know the purpose is allegedly to help alleviate the symptoms of cancer in humans, or to create the "effects" of cancer on the human system so that the body can build defenses against the disease.

My main concern would be that there may be certain chemical compounds contained in the final mixture which could be harmful to your pet. Unless you could determine a full list of individual chemical substances and then check them against a reliable source, you could inadvertently feed your pet a lethal poison.

My advice to you is to follow the adage, "When in doubt, don't". Besides, the "tea" is expensive to make, doesn't smell all that great and the taste isn't worth writing about.

It's been about 15 years since my last experiences with the formula, and other than offering someone hope for a miracle cure, my personal opinion is that it's ineffective when dealing with cancer related issues.

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How is essiac tea taken?

Essiac tea is a type of herbal tea promoted as an alternative form of treatment for cancer, along with numerous other illnesses. It is composed of burdock, Indian rhubarb, sheep sorrel, and slippery elm bark.

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The mainstream medical community does not embrace essiac tea. Critics contend that a certain number of cancers deemed incurable spontaneously go into remission without an adequate medical explanation as to why.

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I used essiac tea on my dog that had hemangiosarcoma and I used essiac tea. I really saw a difference in the quality of her life but it didn't really help as far as lengthening her life span. I would recommend it and I believe that you would be able to take it with prednisone but i would ask a vet or ask a person that deals with homeopathic remidies or homeopathic vet before you give your pet both.

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No, essiac can be used to treat many diseases because it detoxifies the body and boosts the immune system. The immune system is the body's number one defense against disease and when it is healthy, it can protect and heal better than anything. Essiac tea addresses the two main problems that are the root of most disease. Toxicity and compromised immune system.

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Essiac tea is used in the hopes of curing cancer. It was discovered by the Ojibwa Canadian natives. Your should consult your physician before taking any home remedies.

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When a dog drinks tea it has to be caffeine free and you have to let it cool done. Some dogs stomach don't like tea and it could upset their stomach. so just to be safe give you dog a little sip of the tea first and see if he/she likes it first....

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No, you will die.

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Where can I purchase Essiac Tea in the Milford area?

I do not know where that city is but you can order online

Can essiac tea cause side effects?

Yes there are some side effects that have been associated with essiac tea. However, these effects are common when detoxing with any type of natural medicine. They are caused by built up toxins that are released into the bloodstream to be filtered and removed. If they are released to rapidly they can cause nausea, indigestion, flu like symptoms and other effects. You should start with a small dose at first and drink plenty of water to dilute the toxins.

Where can one find tea cups with pictures of dogs on them?

One can find tea cups with pictures of dogs on them for sale on websites such as Texas tea cups. They offer more than one design of dogs on tea cups on this website.