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No, evidence can include data, examples, visuals, statistics, and expert opinions. It supports claims and arguments within a text or discussion.

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Q: Is evidence always a quotation from a text?
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What does key quotation mean?

A key quotation is a specific passage from a text that is especially important, significant, or impactful. It is often used to support arguments, provide evidence, or highlight key themes within the text.

What is a quotation in a text?

Was it intentional? Defend your answer (include a quotation from the text).

What is always separated from the main text by italics?

The title of a book or movie is always separated from the main text by italics. In some cases the title will also be in quotation marks.

Is it true that quotation marks are always used in pairs?

Yes, quotation marks are typically used in pairs - an opening quotation mark at the beginning of the quoted text and a closing quotation mark at the end. This helps to clearly indicate the start and end of the quoted material.

What does a quotation always start with?

a quotation mark!!

When text is in logical tests the text must be enclosed in?

Quotation marks.

What punctuation mark often used to insert explanatory text into a quotation?

Quotation marks " "

What are four types of Quotation format?

Block Quotation: Used for long passages, typically indented and separated from the main text. In-text Quotation: Briefly citing a source within the text of a document. Parenthetical Quotation: Including the author's name and publication year in parentheses within the text. Hanging Indent Quotation: Formatting where the first line is aligned to the left margin and subsequent lines are indented for each reference entry.

Do you capitalize pronouns within quotation marks?

The only pronoun that is always capitalized is the first person, singular, subjective, personal pronoun 'I'. Other pronouns are capitalized only when they are the first word in a sentence. These rules apply to text within quotation marks or without quotation marks.

How do you display a quotation in visual basic?

1. Make a textbox with a " in it. 2. Dim quotation As String = TextBox1.Text 3. To say "Hello" use - MsgBox(quotation & "Hello" & quotation)

What is a separated direct quotation?

A separated direct quotation is a quotation that is set apart from the main text with quotation marks or indentation. This helps to clearly identify the words being quoted as distinct from the surrounding text.

When is it okay not to use quotation marks with a quotation?

Never. You should always have quotation marks sorrounding a quote.