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Q: Is excessive consumption of alcohol linked to possible causes of hernia?
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Does excessive alcohol consumption cause sterss induced acute gastric enteritis?

No, it causes alcohol-induced gastric enteritis.

What effect does alcohal consumption have on balance and equilibrium?

Alcohol effects balance and equilibrium by depressing the central nervous system. Alcohol can also cause memory loss and speech impairments.

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too much fuel, excessive oil consumption

Should you take antacids or antibiotics for gastritis?

depends on the cause.. if causes are excessive alcohol consumption or prolonged use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , take antacid.. but if it's bacterial, take antibiotics

What causes high bilirubin can it be drink?

Cirrhosis may cause normal, moderately high or high levels of bilirubin, depending on exact features of the cirrhosis. Excessive consumption of alcohol is the most common cause of cirrhosis.

What are the non-genetic causes of microcephaly?

Other possible causes of microcephaly include infections during pregnancy (rubella, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis), adverse effects of medication, and the excessive use of alcohol by the mother during pregnancy

What happened with brain when we unable to concentrate and unable to do multitasking?

Some of the major causes of the inability to remain focused on a task are a lack of sufficient sleep, a preoccupation with unrelated thoughts, or excessive consumption of alcohol or other drug that impairs thought processes.

Why are tobacco and alcohol and ultraviolet radiation listed as carcinogens?

It could be connected somehow with the fact that tests, studies, and surveys over forty years and thousands of subjects have demonstrated that regular tobacco use, excessive consumption of alcohol, and excessive exposure to UV are all linked to the increased occurrence of certain types of cancers, and that the increase is statistically significant to a degree that these factors may realistically be called 'causes'.

What is scerosis of the liver?

Cirrhosis of the liver in the basic "killing off" of healthy liver cells. The causes are linked to excessive alcohol use or abuse and Hepatitus C. What smoking does to the lungs, excessive alcohol and Hepatitus C does to the liver.

What are the 4 main causes of chronic disease?

Four modifiable health risk behaviors-lack of physical activity, poor nutrition, tobacco use, and excessive alcohol consumption-are responsible for much of the illness, suffering, and early death related to chronic diseases.

What are two possible causes of congenital disability?

drug, alcohol

What are some causes of gynecomastia?

Excessive alcohol intake, smoking marijuana, or using anabolic steroids may cause gynecomastia