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Q: Is exfoliation physical or chemical weathering?
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Type of physical weathering?

Therew is only to types of weathering in my knowledge and they are Mechanical and Chemical (in scientific term). Mechanical is also know as physical.

What is the differences between physical weathering and chemical weathering of granite?

Physical weathering is: frost, crystallization, exfoliation,, biological and pressure release. Chemcal weathering: anything with chemicals in it like carbonation, hydrolysis, solution, oxidation and hydration.

What is geological physical Weathering?

•Aeolian • •Biological weathering • •Exfoliation • •Thermal Expansion

What is called when rocks break down without changing in chemical composition?

Mechanical weathering.

What kind of physical weathering is common in Mica and Shale?

Decompression and Exfoliation weathering are common in Mica and Shale.

Is abrasion physical weathering or chemical weathering?

it is physical weathering

Are chemicals from plants physical or chemical weathering?

Is chemicals from plants chemical weathering or physical weathering

Is weathering a physical or chemical change?

physical change

What is different between physical weathering and chemical weathering?

Physical weathering is breaking down of rocks by weather that does not change their chemical components. Chemical weathering is weathering that breaks rocks down by a chemical change.

Is a road way is a physical weathering or chemical weathering?


Is fog a physical or chemical weathering?

Fog is a chemical weathering.

How are physical weathering and chemical weathering alike?

how are physical weathering and chenical weathering alike and different