

Is expand a verb

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: Is expand a verb
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What is the verb of expansion?

The verb of expansion is expand. As in "to expand something or somewhere".

What is the past tense of expand?

Expand is a regular verb. The past simple of regular verbs is formed by verb +edI, you, he, she, it,we, they ... expanded

What part of speech is expanding?

Expand is a verb.

What is the synonym for the word expand?

The abstract noun forms of the verb to 'expand' are expansion and the gerund, expanding.

Is expanded an adverb?

No, it is not. It is a verb form (the past and past participle of the verb expand) which can be used as an adjective meaning "increased in size, scope, or extent."

What is the verb for expanse?

The verb for expansion is expand.Other verbs are expands, expanding and expanded."We will expand the empire"."Her horizons were expanding"."His education has expanded his knowledge".

Is expands a plural noun?

No, "expands" is not a plural noun. It is the third person singular form of the verb "expand."

What is the verb extension?

The verb of extension is extend.Extends, extending and extended are also relevant verbs."We will extend the contract"."She extends the cord"."The call has been extended".

What does the word amplified means?

By the dictionary: transitive verb 1: to expand (as a statement) by the use of detail or illustration or by closer analysis 2 a: to make larger or greater (as in amount, importance, or intensity) : increase b: to increase the strength or amount of ; especially : to make louder c: to cause (a gene or DNA sequence) to undergo amplification intransitive verb : to expand one's remarks or ideas

Is expansive an adjective?

Yes, it is. It is related to the verb expand and the noun expansion, but it is most often used to mean effusive (talkative) or grand in scale (covering an expanse).

What is the noun of broadcasting?

The word 'broadcasting' is the present participle, present tense of the verb to broadcast. The present participle of the verb also functions as an adjective and a gerund (verbal noun).Examples:Currently, we are broadcasting in a limited area. (verb)We now have the funds to increase our broadcasting. (gerund/noun)The new equipment will expand our broadcasting range. (adjective)The verb 'broadcast' is also a noun, an adjective and an adverb.Another noun form of the verb to broadcast is broadcaster.

What is the adjective form of widen?

The word 'widen' is a verb (widen, widens, widening, widened) to broaden, expand, dilate, enlarge.The noun forms for the verb are widener and wideners, a thing used to widen; and the gerund, widening, a non-count noun.