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Q: Is fashion among students good or bad?
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The bad things and the good things about fashion?

Bad thing- Unfortunatly fashion can get expensive. Good Thing- Well fashion makes me happy so i guess that can be a good thing

Is fashion good or not?

Fashion isn't really good or bad. Fashion is just a sense of style, and it depends on each person to say if they like fashion or not.

What are the bad effects of fashion on school students?

Many students pursue fashion are several bad effects i think fashion may have on the students.first of all ,it is a waste of time and money.since they pursue fashion ,they are surely to take some actions ,for example,they buy fashionable clothes ,magazines and so on ,which is a waste of both time and money.secondly, the main task of students is study, since they spend so much time on fashion, they will have less time and energy on parents and teachers should attach great importance to this situation and help the students have a properattitude towards fashion.

Is fashion bad?

Fashion is neither good nor bad, by itself. If taken to the extreme, it can be detrimental to people involved. But that is true of any enthusiasm.

What is the difference between good student and bad student with studies?

A good student is typically organized, motivated, and proactive in their studies. They participate in class, ask questions, and seek help when needed. On the other hand, a bad student may be disorganized, unmotivated, and may not actively engage in learning. They may procrastinate, miss classes, and struggle to stay on top of their assignments.

How vending machines are bad at schools?

thry tend to cause rough situations among students. injuries being among the top.

What is good a example of fashion?

i dont believe there is a good or bad example of fashion because even ones style is not that appealing to others still it's not considered as a bad one because fashion is a means of expression of ones personality and style meaning fashion comes in a unique way...

Why do people like the pathways program at John Abbott College it is such a bad program?

It's a bad program for good students, it's a good program for evil students

What makes a good teacher and what makes a bad teacher?

Be a good students everyday or say sorry show that you are a good students work hard.

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Why are there evil college students as well as good college students?

You will find there are the good and the bad throughout life no matter what group or population you are within.