

Is felsic magma viscous

Updated: 11/23/2022
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7y ago

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Yes. Felsic magma is very viscous.

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Q: Is felsic magma viscous
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Is felsic magma eruptive?

Not usually. Because it is so viscous, felsic magma does not erupt as easily as mafic magma. While eruptions of felsic magma do occur, most felsic rocks are intrusive, meaning they solidify underground.

What are the magma types in order of decreasing viscosity?

Most viscous Felsic magma i.e. rhyolite Intermediate magma i.e. andersite Mafic magma i.e. Basalt Ultramafic magma i.e. Komatiite Least viscous

Which is the most abundant in magma and has the greatest effect on its characteristics?

Felsic magma tends to be thick and viscous, while mafic magma tends to be fluid.

Why silica rich magma is more dangerous than iron rich magma?

The silica-rich magma, also called felsic magma, is more viscous than iron-rich or mafic magma. This means resists flow more (just as syrup is more viscous than water). The high viscosity means that the felsic magma can trap more gasses, leading to explosive eruptions, rather than effusive ones.

Why do granitic felsic magmas usually crystallize before reaching earth's surface?

Felsic magma is very viscous, so if often gets "stuck" in plutons rather than erupting.

What is Silica rich thick magma called?

The three types of magma, named for the rock they form are basaltic, rhyolitic and andesitic. Rhyolitic magma is rich in silica and water vapor.

Does Krakatoa have felsic magma or mafic?


What type of magma will produce explosive eruptions?

Felsic magmas that are high in silica content and are highly viscous produce explosive eruptions.

What type of magma is most dangerous?

Well, lava and magma can be very very dangerous! Lava is something that you can die in. And magma is still lava. They both can be very dangerous! So I would say it is 90% dangerous.

What type of magma causes violent erpuptions?

Highly viscous felsic magma causes the most violent volcanic eruptions.

What happen when felsic magma mix with basic magma?

Felsic and mafic (basic) magam mix to form intermediate magma.

What is high silicate magma?

High-silicate magma, also known as "felsic magma", is molten rock below the Earth's surface (or that of any other planet, I suppose) that is made up 70% or more silica (silicon dioxide). Compared with other compositions of magma (andesitic, mafic, ultramafic) felsic is often cooler and more viscous, and so is associated with violent and explosive volcanism. Rocks formed from felsic magma include granite and rhyolite, their porphyritic relatives, granite pegmatite, rhyoltic tuff, pumice, and obsidian.