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Yes. It does the following:

-Protects during installation

-Protects when moisture gets behind the shingles due to condensation, ice dams, wind driven rain,

-Protects when shingles are damaged

-Is required to meet building codes.

A roofer that does not put down tar paper will likely make other mistakes also and should be avoided.

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Q: Is felt paper necessary under shingles?
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When you install shingles over an old layer of shingles do you have to put down felt or do you put the new layer of shingles directly over the old layer?

With composition shingles, no felt is necessary between shingle layers. When the exposure of the shingles is the same as the old exposure, the bottom edge of the old shingles is used as a guide for the upper edge of the new shingles in placement. This ability to place the shingles would be lost if covered with felt.

How much do you lap roofing felt on 4 on 12 pitch?

When you say roofing felt (or blackout paper) It usually means the felt paper used under asphalt shingles. If that's the case, a couple of inches is fine. If you're really talking roll roofing, then that's a whole different ball game.

Why red rosin paper under hardwood on second floor and not 15 or 30 lbfelt paper?

I doubt either is necessary on second floor. Rosin paper is cheaper than felt. I would probably use either #15 or #30 felt.

What size nails are used for roofing felt paper?

You can use roofing nails, but most people use a stapler, it's cheaper and faster. The felt paper is just a base for the shingles/tiles.

Which is better 15 or 30 pound roof paper?

it depends on the shingles, regelar 3 tab shingles use 15 lb felt, archatectual requires 30 lb felt and sheet metal requires 30 lb felt. but always check on the shingle package and your local building codes for specs

Your roofing contractor installed Tamko shingles over the old felt that had hunderds of hole from the previous shingles Is the sheeting in danger of becoming wet?

The felt is not to keep the sheeting will be fine Your shingles keep the roof dry...the felt is for insulating and non sweating characteristics which makes your shingles last longer.

What are the benefits of roofing felt?

The benefit of roofing felt is to provide a simple barrier between the asphalt shingles and the wood sheathing below it. The sap in the wood is not good for the shingles.

Is underlay required when installing shingles?

Yes. 15lb felt.

What is vapor barrier under laminate flooring?

Vapor barrier under flooring is a 20 lbs felt paper or red Rosin paper both types Can be naught at Lowe's or home depot

What is a roof membrane?

That probably refers to the layer of roofing felt(paper) that lies between the roof sheathing(plywood) and the shingles..a fallen limb could tear thru that "membrane" and rain could become an issue

How do you tear down a roof?

You tear the old roof off with one of those shovel looking thing that have teeth on the end. Remove the old felt paper and the nails and chingles. Then inspect the decking. Replace any decking that is rotten. Then put down new felt and flashing and replace shingles. Good luck.

Is it common to use a form of Kodak paper underneath hardwood floors?

Most people just put 15-lb roofing felt under it.