

Is fertilization possible during menstruation

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: Is fertilization possible during menstruation
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What are the beliefs and practices related to menstruation and fertilization

Would you fall pregnant during your period?

No, you wouldn't fall pregnant during your period as there is no egg present during menstruation. However it is possible for you to be fertile during menstruation, this would mean that sperm from sex during menstruation may live long enough to fertilise the egg released during ovulation.

Does menstruation occurs after conceiving?

No, conception isn't possible during menstruation. During menstruation there is no egg present to be fertilised, although it's important to point out that a woman may still be fertile during menstruation: there may be fertile cervical mucus present, which can keep sperm alive in the vagina long enough so that there is still sperm present when a woman ovulates after menstruation.

Can you get prengant your period come?

It is biologically impossible to menstruate while pregnant - however it is possible to experience vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, which you might mistake for menstruation. It is biologically impossible to get pregnant during menstruation - however it is possible to get pregnant as a result of sex during menstruation as given the right environment sperm can survive in the vagina for up to 7 days, by which time you may ovulate. You may mistake ovulation bleeding for menstruation.

No bleeding during menstruation?

Yes there is bleeding during menstruation

Is a period of rapid growth and sexual maturation during which the reproductive system becomes fully functional a Puberty c Fertilization b Menstruation d Reproduction?

The answer to your question is puberty.

Is it possible to be pregnant if you intercourse 3 days after menstruation?

Yes - during the average 28 day cycle 3 days after menstruation would be during your fertile phase, thus pregnancy risk is very high.

Is it normal to experience bruises after menstruation?

No, bruise are not a normal occurrence from menstruation. It is possible to bruise slightly easier during this time due to being lower in iron.

Is it possible to get pregnant during menstrual cycle?

You are constantly in a menstrual cycle. It is the 28 days from the start of one period to the start of another. What I think you meant to ask is "Can you get pregnant during Menstruation?" Menstruation is your period. You can get pregnant during this time, but your chances are very low.

Are women fertile after menstruation?

Immediately after menstruation it is possible to get pregnant. It is even possible to get pregnant during menstruation, though very very very unlikely. It is always possible for a woman to get pregnant as long as she has a healthy, pre-menopausal, post-pubescent, fully functioning uterus and is having sex with a man in a similar situation. However, women are more likely to get pregnant right before their period and less likely to unlikely to get pregnant during or after their period.

Is the egg released during menstruation?

No, the egg isn't released during menstruation. The egg is released during ovulation, which typically occurs two weeks before menstruation, if the egg isn't fertilised then this leads to menstruation.

Which is not one of the four stages in the menstrual cycle ovulation menstruation fertilization stage resting phase?

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