

Is fertilizer better than potting soil?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Usually your plants will need fertilizer in the water everytime they are watered, use a weaker strength if you perform this at each watering. Answer. Fertiliser and potting soil are two different things. Potting soil contains fertiliser that is helpful to the plants wellbeing, potting soil is a mixture for planting in.

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Q: Is fertilizer better than potting soil?
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How do I find the best potting soil for my gardens needs?

I found a web page that describes how to choose potting soil that could describe it better than I ever could. Here it is:

Is sand better than potting soil?

No, not for most plants. Sand doesn't have the nutrients most plants need, which is why potting soil is needed.

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This depends on the species of plant. Some plants require different nutrients than others. Your best bet would be to plant in regular soil, and then after some research you can till the soil with the required nutrients.

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Do nitrogen fertilizers work better than no fertilizer?

Any fertilizer is better on poor soil than no fertilizer. too much of any single fertilizer is also bad for plants. Little and often is best.

Can I use potting soil on plants in the ground?

Potting soil is a lighter mix than garden soil. Small amounts won't hurt.

Why is potting soil better to plant a plant than Sand or clay?

Sand drains too quickly. Clay is poor draining and is likely to be waterlogged. Potting soil is specially formulated to drain slowly, and contains humus and plant nutrients.

Does ground soil have more nutrients than potting soil?

yes regular soil has more nutrients because of worms and how their slime helps the soil stay moisturised and grow more nutrients but potting soil gives plants more nutrients to help them grow faster. Regular soil has more nutrients and potting soil doubles the amount

Why do plants grow better in potting soil than plain dirt?

plotting soil has the necessary nutrients a plant needs to survive. Plain dirt may be missing some of these or has very little of. no shiz.

Does potting soil have more nutrients than sand?

Yes. Soil contains active organic materials which are not contained in sand.

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Why is fertilizer added to plants?

The fertilizers add nutrients to the soil so that the plants grow better and more productively than if the soil were left in its normal state.