

Is fish organic

Updated: 12/14/2022
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Q: Is fish organic
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What is the use of organic matter in a fish pond?

organic matter helps provide oxygen for the fish to breathe

What organic molecules contain phosphorus?

The organic molecules of fish.

Is organic farm raised fish better for health than wild fish?

Definetly not

Can organic carbon in water kill fish?

Yes, it can.

What is fish bone called?

If its for gardening then it's called bonemeal. Otherwise fish bones. Fish meal is an organic fertilizer with a value of 5-2-2. Bone meal is an organic fertilizer with a value of 4-12-0.

What stinks and smell?

VOC, volitile organic compounds

Are vegetables organic or inorganic?

A vegetable being organic or inorganic can be interpreted two different ways. In Science, vegetables are organic because they contain Carbon. In farming, vegetables can be organic if they are not grown with pesticides, and they can be inorganic if they are grown with pesticides.

Does organic matter kill freshwater fish?

Excessive organic matter, especially decaying matter, can build up to toxic levels and kills freshwater fish. An example would be uneaten food or feces breaking down.

Which emits worse odors garbage with a high organic content ie meats fish vegetables or garbage with a low organic content ie paper glass?

garbage with a high organic content

What causes fish pond water to appear soapy?

White foam in a fish pond can be caused by organic residue gathering on the surface. This can be from fish waste or plant matter.

What types of food are popular in Russia?

The Russian eat organic vegetables in season. They also eat beef, chicken, lamb and fish.

Is a fishbone a minerals?

No. Fish bone does no meet the definition of a mineral because it is organic. In fossils of fish bones the bone has been replaced by a mineral.