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Yes because the food is chemically changing for example if you eat a hamburger it is not gonna come out as a hamburger when you go to the bathroom because your body digested it which chemically changed it.;)

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Q: Is food being broken down by enzymes in your stomach an example of a chemical change that happens in your stomach?
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What chemical in the stomach begins to denature protein in the stomach?

They are the enzymes . Predominant one is Pepsin

What is the main chemical activity of the stomach?

The main chemical activity of the stomach is digestion of the proteins. There are a number of enzymes and hormones secreted in the stomach to aid this process.

Is the stomach mechanical digestion or chemical digestion?

It is both: Mechanical: The stomach is a muscular sack. It contracts and relaxes, sloshing and squeezing the food inside to break it down and to ease the job of the 'chemicals'. Another example is how many birds swallow stones to enhance the crushing and churning in their stomachs. Chemical: The conditions and enzymes within the stomach contribute to chemical digestion. Hydrochloric acid, for example, creates an acidic environment that denatures proteins; whilst enzymes such as pepsin react at a molecular level with peptides to cleave them apart.

What chemical causes indigestion?

Hydrochloric acids inside your stomach and other enzymes.

Why does the digisition of starch stops when food reaches the stomach?

Carbohydrate digestion happens mostly in the mouth and esophagus, surprisingly. This combines with the fact that the enzymes in saliva that cause digestion stop functioning when they reach the stomach.

What part of the body doesmost chemical digestion take place?

In your stomach. In mouth, stomach and small intestine.

Is stomach mechanical or chemical digestion?

Both To further clarify: Mechanical: The stomach is a muscular sack. It contracts and relaxes, sloshing and squeezing the food inside to break it down and to ease the job of the 'chemicals'. Another example is how many birds swallow stones to enhance the crushing and churning in their stomachs. Chemical: The conditions and enzymes within the stomach contribute to chemical digestion. Hydrochloric acid, for example, creates an acidic environment that denatures proteins; whilst enzymes such as pepsin react at a molecular level with peptides to cleave them apart.

Main digestive function occurring in the stomach?

The main digestive function occurring in the stomach happens when the muscles churn the food into a consistency that is easier to digest for the rest of your intestines. The stomach releases acids and enzymes for the chemical breakdown of food. Pepsin is responsible for protein breakdown.

What is the chemical that makes pills dissolve in your stomach?

The stomach produces hydrochloric acid. That and the enzymes present and water will, in some combination, dissolve a pill.

What kind of molecule performs chemical digestion in the stomach?

Protein is the only nutrient broken down in the stomach. This is because only protease enzymes are present in the stomach acid.

Contrast mechanical digestion with chemical digestion and give an example of each?

Physical digestion is, basically, "mashing." The food is ground up (by the teeth), mashed into a paste (by the stomach), and so forth. It's mixed with other foods in the process, but no new molecules are produced. Chemical digestion involves chemical reactions, and new molecules ARE produced. The action of enzymes in saliva, gastric juices, and so forth is a form of chemical digestion.

What chemical (s) can be found in your stomach to digest proteins?

Three enzymes are important: pepsin, trypsin, chymotrypsin.