

Is formula and a function are they same in Excel?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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A function is one specific function, like LEFT for getting a substring starting from the left, or TODAY for getting today's date, or SUM for getting the sum of some numbers.

A formula is a combination of cell references, values, strings, and functions, used to define how to calculate the value to display in a cell.

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Q: Is formula and a function are they same in Excel?
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The SUM function would be the most commonly used function in Excel.

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Functions have a name followed by brackets. So when you have a name followed immediately by brackets, it is a function. On the worksheet it would also have an equals in front of it. In a module it would have the keyword Function in front of it.

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You can calculate quantity in Excel with the SUM function.

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Formula autocomplete