

Is fragile x like Autism

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Added: Fragile X is like autism in that the condition can be a spectrum disorder, no or mild symptoms to severe symptoms. Fragile X is Genetic, the genetics of Autism are still being determined. Fragile X can be diagnosed any where by any doctor by a simple blood test, Autism is a subjective diagnosis based on evaluations and observations.

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Q: Is fragile x like Autism
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Will a person with fragile x syndrome be able to live independently?

Fragile X, like autism, is a spectrum disorder, which could result in anything from mild learning disabilities to severe impairment. Individuals can live independently, with or without supports. I recommend the documentary "Living with Fragile X" if you have the opportunity to see it.

Is fragile x result in mutation?

So little is known about autism and asperger's that we cannot answer this question.

How can autism be covered up?

It may be confused with other diseases, such as fragile X syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, and untreated phenylketonuria

Does fragile X get worse?

No, fragile x syndrome is not progressive

Who Does you have autism?

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Where on the X chromosome does Fragile X take place?

Fragile X is a result of a mutation in the FMR1 gene on the X chromosome.

What is fragile X syndrome?

Fragile X syndrome, is a genetic syndrome which results in a spectrum of characteristic physical, intellectual, emotional and behavioral features which include an elongated face, large or protruding ears, flat feet,

What gender seems to be more affected by autism?

Autism seems to effect males more than females, in part because of the connection to Fragile X Syndrome. However the more we learn about autism the more we realise that it can display in different ways in females, it's likely that far more women then innitially believed are autistic but because of the idea that autism effects mostly men and because it displays differently it can be missed or misdiagnosed more often in women.

What cause fragile X syndrome?

The fragile X syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by mutation of the FMR1 gene on the X chromosome.

Is fragile x bad?


Do females also have autism?

Yes - I'm both female and autistic. Autism was once thought to only effect males but our understanding of autism grows we're realising that females can be autistic too. Although there remains higher numbers of autism in men, presumably associated with Fragile X syndrome which primarily effects males, researchers believe there's less of a gap between the sexes as first thought. Autism effects females differently, we can also often hide our autism better - for example males are expected to be more confident so if their autism effects that they may stand out as different, where as females are expected to be more reserved so their autism may be hidden as females are acting as expected socially.

What is the life expectancy of a person with fragile x syndrome?

Early diagnosis and intensive intervention offer the best prognosis for individuals with fragile X syndrome. Adults with fragile X syndrome may benefit from vocational training and may need to live in a supervised setting. Life span is typically normal