

Is fruit count or uncount

Updated: 10/6/2023
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Q: Is fruit count or uncount
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Are litchies fruits?

no it dose not count as a fruit

How do you estimate the various nutrients in a fruit?

you count

Do canned fruits count as a fruit?

1.) Yes and it will keep longer that fresh fruit

Does fruit need to be fresh count as a portion?

Nope diddy no.

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Like you would normally count anything else, i.e. the same way you would count how many fruit are in a bucket.

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Does fresh fruit juice count as a portion?

if you juiced it yourself it certainly does

What Food or Amount Of Fruit and Veg Count as Five a Day?

Fruit, Veg, Some smoothies IE Homemade Ones, tinned Fruit, Some Soups

Can your 5 a day be the same fruit?

no it doesnt count! you should eat 5 different types of fruit or veg a day.

Does eating the same fruit 5 times count towards your 5 a day?

yes you can eat 5 of the same fruit as your 5 a day