

Is fur a good conductor

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: Is fur a good conductor
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Is fur a conductor of heat?

No, it is not a poor conductor of heat, because if you think about it, the people over at Alaska use fur to generate heat for themselves.-----------------------------------------That is incorrect. Fur doesn't "generate" heat. It is merely an insulator, with an insulator being the opposite of a conductor, and a good insulator being equivalent to a poor conductor.In general fur is a good insulator due to the ability to trap air, and thus is a poor conductor of heat.When wet (sweaty, etc), it would conduct heat reasonably well.Most animals in places that experience harsh winters will grow a "winter coat" for additional insulation which they will shed in the spring.It traps the air inside it, for evolutionary purposes.

Is fur conductor or insulator?

It is an Insulator because it is not a metal

Is fur a conductor?

no,it's not.No it's an insulator.

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Magnesium chloride is a good conductor if melted or dissolved in an ionization promoting solvent; as a solid it is not a good conductor.

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A good insulator means a bad conductor. It is the opposite of good conductor.

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it is a conductor as all other metals and the gold is also good conductor as silver!!!

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No, milk is not a good conductor.

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no,aluminium,coper is good conductor

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Boron is not a good conductor of electricity at room temperature, but is a good conductor at a high temperature.

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Gold is a good conductor of electricity.