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Q: Is gargling salt water good after tooth filling?
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Why is Mercury used for filling teeth?

Mercury is used in Amalgams in many parts of the world because it is easy to work with, and not as likely to shatter the tooth later on. It has very good toughness. Mercury is being phased out because of health concerns.

Why do teeth die?

Most of the time it is because of trauma. The tip of the tooth where the nearves and blood vessals enter the tooth are severed from a blow to the teeth. The inside of the tooth becomes what we call neucrotic. The treatment for this type of problem is to do a root canal, which is cleaning out the dead roots of the tooth disinfectind and condition it and putting what is called glutapercha which is like teflon to seal the roots up. After this process the empty space should be filled with post, a metal re-enforcement for the tooth to give it strength and cover the tooth with a crown to finish the reabilitation. The tooth will serve for a good while if looked after.

Can you use sea salt water to treat an infected burn or blister?

No, salt water will irratate it, and make it hurt more. Try some aloe or toothpaste or Mustard. Those are very good for burns. But if you have a cut, and it is bleeding, put salt water on it. And if you loose a tooth(or your child) then tell then to rinse their mouth with salt water.

Why is water a good pH buffer?

Water is not a good pH buffer.

Is salt water a good conductor?

good is relative. Salt water is a lot better than water or oil, but is never as good as a metal. Salt water is a good enough to conduct a small current with a battery.

Related questions

What are some good filling materials?

To treat a cavity or cracked tooth a filling is used to fill the area of the tooth where the decayed material was removed or where the tooth is cracked. There are several filling materials available including gold, porcelain, silver amalgam, plastic, and resin.

What should you do if you have a sore tooth?

If you have a sore tooth from braces or separator's. A good idea is to take 1 or 2 pain reliever's.

Does gargling water help a sore throat?

It depends on what you are gargling and the cause for the sore throat. Most sore throats are a result of bacterial or viral infection, and gargling frequently with a salt water solution can be very beneficial.

What good benefits can you get from gargling aspirin?

Gargling with aspirin will stop a cold coming on if you get it in time and it will greatly ease the pain of the throat

How do you sanitize your mouth?

Brushing your teeth, gargling some mouthwash, and rinsing your mouth out with water mixed with salt are good ways to sanitize your mouth!

Is gargling on a warm water with a salt can be a good medicine for swelling lymph node?

Yes. It helps take down the swelling and can also help your throat feel better. You can also try swishing and gargling peroxide in your mouth. IT helps dull the pain.

Is it true that if you have a filling that tooth will go bad again in 5 years no matter how good you take care of it?

No, that isn't true. Most fillings do need to be replaced eventually, but it depends on a lot of things. Just because you have a filling doesn't mean that tooth will always get decay. I personally have had fillings for over ten years and they are still good fillings and I have never had any problems with those teeth.

Why is your dentist trying to put a crown on her tooth instead of filling it?

because you did not brush your teeth and now they're rotten, so she has drill out the nerves and corruption of the tooth then crown it and that will be good for 20 yearstooth, if you're really lucky t

If Filling a water bottle all the way to the top and tightening the cap is not a good idea if you plan to freeze it. Why?

filling the bottle to the top will cause sublimation, not freezing.

What is good for sore throats?

Strepsils Most sore throats are a result of bacterial or viral infection, and gargling frequently with a salt water solution can be very beneficial.

How can i heal a soar throat fast?

You can heal a sore throat quickly by drinking lots of fluids, gargling warm, salt water and sucking on throat lozenges. Tea with honey added to it is also a good way to calm the irritation. Good luck!

Is it common for your gums in your mouth to be attached to a tooth that is just hanging there?

I had no tooth back of upper, twice filling it but coming out not good. Last weekend same happen my jaw too stiff only left side as felt like swallow inside, now it happen again this morning My gum really sore now Can I make warm water with salt? My name is Cindy Jamieson from Calgary, Alberta